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中国共产党二十大报告三种形式 在美国出版发行

2023/2/24 0:00:00   View:167

      美国国际人民之音网络电视台报道:近日,习近平总书记2022年10月16日在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上所作的报告《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗》毛体书法手抄卷暨报告金句中英文版己编篡终结,己由联合国华文出版社在美国出版发行,即日起在世界各地大书店全面上架。此书由三部分组成,第一部分是由中国毛体书法界代表人物、联合国华文出版社毛泽东书法研究院院长宋明政主笔抄写,共四万一千字;第二三部分是习近平总书记报告金句中英文对照版。总策划统筹工作由中国红色文化传播大使、联合国华文出版社中国首席代表、中文总编辑李月仁担任,海外发行工作由华人友好大使、美国纽约州东方华裔自治区主席、获得美国拜登和川普二任《美国总统志愿服务金奖》和《美国社区市长奖》第一人查尔斯博士担任。本书创意新颖,别具一格,是开天辟地第一次以这种形式,把中国共产党二十报告全文讲述给联合国的生动体现。将载入史册,成为鼓励华夏儿女完成中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的灯塔和冲锋号。

The Report on the Communist Party of China's Top 20 Congress was published in three forms in the United States

Voa Television reports: Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping's report "Holding High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Striving Together for Comprehensively Building a Modern Socialist Country", delivered at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 16, 2022, has been compiled and published in the United Nations Chinese Publishing House in the United States. It will be available in bookstores around the world today. The book is composed of three parts. The first part is copied by Song Mingzheng, a representative figure in the calligraphy circle in China and the dean of Mao Zedong Calligraphy Institute of the United Nations Chinese Language Publishing House, with a total of 41,000 characters. The second and third parts are the Chinese and English version of General Secretary Xi Jinping's report. The general planning and coordination work is carried out by Chinese Red Culture Communication Ambassador, chief representative of the United Nations Chinese Language Press in China and editor in chief of Chinese Language, Li Yueren. The overseas distribution work is carried out by Chinese Friendship Ambassador, Chairman of the Oriental Chinese Autonomous Region of New York State, and the first recipient of the U.S. President's Gold Medal for Volunteer Service and the U.S. Mayor's Award of the second Biden and Trump terms. It is the first time in the world that the full text of the twentieth Report of the Communist Party of China has been presented to the United Nations in this form. It will go down in history as a beacon and a beacon that encourages the Chinese people to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.